This is another video tutorial by Jan Ozer from the Streaming Learning Center. It’s a 10-minutes overview which he says, “details how to configure the most important H.264
encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames),
discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and identifies which
tools produce the best quality. It’s the entry level information that I
provide in most H.264 encoding lectures and useful to anyone producing
H.264 videos with tools like Sorenson Squeeze, Adobe Media Encoder,
Apple Compressor and Telestream Episode Pro.” See the original post here.
Jan also has a great list of H.264-related reference in his post, So You Want to Get to Know H.264?
Understanding the Key H.264 Encoding Parameters from jan ozer on Vimeo.
This tutorial details how to configure the most important H.264 encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames), discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and which tools produce the best quality.