Thanks again to everyone who joined us a few weeks back on May 5th for the very first Reel SEO webinar event on titled, “Video Encoding for the Web.” As I previously mentioned, the webinar was very well received with 263 attendees from all over the world. A big thanks to my co-presenter Robert Reinhardt, the @flashfreaker, who shared some fantastic tips on how to compress video using x264, the free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams. An enormous thanks as well to Mark Robertson who not only moderated the session, but did an amazing job working numerous hours with Robert and me to pull together the program. Mark also spent a considerable amount of time editing the video from the webinar to make it available for those who may have missed it or want to review it. An additional thanks to Ian Sneed and the team at vzaar video platform for sponsoring the free webinar. You can see the previous posts with our bios here and the slides here.
Encoding Video for the Web – Slides from Webinar
Thanks to everyone who attended our webinar yesterday on, Video Encoding for the Web! We had 263 attendees from all over the world who stayed with us for the scheduled hour, and 140 or so stayed on for the additional half hour of Q&A. Many thanks as well to my co-presenter, the amazing Robert Reinhardt AKA @flashfreaker who dropped major video encoding science and our moderator and organizer extraordinaire, Mark Robertson who did a fantastic job pulling it all together and managing the flow of the session and 100+ questions that came in from attendees. Also, a big thanks to Ian Sneed and the folks at vzaar video platform for sponsoring the webinar.
Mark will be posting the video in the next few days, and we encourage anyone who didn’t get their questions answered to post a comment on Reel SEO or contact any of us. In the meantime, here are the webinar slides which were featured today on the Slideshare homepage.
Streaming Learning Center: Understanding the Critical H.264 Encoding Options
This is another video tutorial by Jan Ozer from the Streaming Learning Center. It’s a 10-minutes overview which he says, “details how to configure the most important H.264
encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames),
discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and identifies which
tools produce the best quality. It’s the entry level information that I
provide in most H.264 encoding lectures and useful to anyone producing
H.264 videos with tools like Sorenson Squeeze, Adobe Media Encoder,
Apple Compressor and Telestream Episode Pro.” See the original post here.
Jan also has a great list of H.264-related reference in his post, So You Want to Get to Know H.264?
Understanding the Key H.264 Encoding Parameters from jan ozer on Vimeo.
This tutorial details how to configure the most important H.264 encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames), discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and which tools produce the best quality.