Streamingmedia.com: The Ultimate Guide to Creating Online Video Content That Works, Part 1
Ultimately, anything works so long as the people who find it want to watch and can do so in a reliable, high-quality fashion. If nothing else, YouTube has proven that videos of any subject matter and of the highest or lowest production values can generate incredible viewing numbers—or, as some people are beginning to call it, “viewsage.” (…more)
by Geoff Daily November 25, 200
When YouTube first burst onto the scene, it upended the traditional notion that what viewers wanted was content with the highest possible production values. Whether it is clips from old home movies or video diaries shot with a webcam, there’s been a sense that anything goes when it comes to the quality of online video.
“Usually, my message is that we’re still at a point where production value doesn’t matter that much; in fact, it can hurt you if you overproduce,” says Kevin Nalty, a top YouTube producer known as Nalts.