Thanks to everyone who attended our webinar yesterday on, Video Encoding for the Web! We had 263 attendees from all over the world who stayed with us for the scheduled hour, and 140 or so stayed on for the additional half hour of Q&A. Many thanks as well to my co-presenter, the amazing Robert Reinhardt AKA @flashfreaker who dropped major video encoding science and our moderator and organizer extraordinaire, Mark Robertson who did a fantastic job pulling it all together and managing the flow of the session and 100+ questions that came in from attendees. Also, a big thanks to Ian Sneed and the folks at vzaar video platform for sponsoring the webinar.
Mark will be posting the video in the next few days, and we encourage anyone who didn’t get their questions answered to post a comment on Reel SEO or contact any of us. In the meantime, here are the webinar slides which were featured today on the Slideshare homepage.
Getting Good Results Encoding Video
A few resources on getting good results encoding video.
Digital Content Producer published a 2-part Basics of Encoding by Jan Ozer.
Encoding Best Practices, Part 1 Jun 9, 2008
Encoding Best Practices, Part 2 Jun 23, 2008
Great resource on
From New Videographer (great step-by-step workflow)
Exporting video from Final Cut Pro and converting to Flash | News Videographer The Ultimate Guide to Creating Online Video Content That Works The Ultimate Guide to Creating Online Video Content That Works, Part 1
Ultimately, anything works so long as the people who find it want to watch and can do so in a reliable, high-quality fashion. If nothing else, YouTube has proven that videos of any subject matter and of the highest or lowest production values can generate incredible viewing numbers—or, as some people are beginning to call it, “viewsage.” (…more)
by Geoff Daily November 25, 200
When YouTube first burst onto the scene, it upended the traditional notion that what viewers wanted was content with the highest possible production values. Whether it is clips from old home movies or video diaries shot with a webcam, there’s been a sense that anything goes when it comes to the quality of online video.
“Usually, my message is that we’re still at a point where production value doesn’t matter that much; in fact, it can hurt you if you overproduce,” says Kevin Nalty, a top YouTube producer known as Nalts.

MasterNewMedia: Video Metadata Key Strategic Importance For Online Video Publishers
Two types of video metadata exist:
a) Operational, automatically gathered video metadata, which is typically a set of automatically-generated information about the content you produce, such as the equipment you used, the software you employed, the date you created your content, GPS coordinates of shooting location, and more.
b) Human-authored video metadata, which can be created, aimed at providing more search engine visibility, audience engagement, and better advertising opportunities for online video publishers.
In the following two-part report entitled “The Currency of Internet Video”, Gotuit, a company specializing in online video metadata management, explains why online video metadata is so critically important today for any serious online video publisher.”

Originally written by the Gotuit Team and first published as “ The Currency of Internet Video” on October 1st, 2008.
- Display Impressions: comScore Ad Metrix, Jan -08, Television GRP’s: comScore Estimates
Updating and Syndicating Your Channels for New Media Distribution
This post originally appeared on
Larry Kless’s Weblog on October 8, 2008
This was the second of two sessions I moderated at Streaming Media West. My original plan for this session was to run through a series of questions that I had covered with each of my panelists in previous conversations. This was a similar format to my other panel session (using questions to trigger the discussion) but something else happened, the audience got really engaged in a Q&A session and it ultimately became a much richer session through their participation.
While the numbers dwindled in the last day of the conference it turned out to be a really fun and valuable session for the participants. A big thanks to my speakers Mark Rotblat, Paul Kontonis and Saidah Nash for all their time, effort and resources to make it a success!
(See their full profiles here.)
Updating and Syndicating Your Channels for New Media Distribution
Track B: (B302) 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM |
Many traditional venues for news, information, and entertainment are in the process of transforming from their old ways to the new Web 2.0 models (syndication, tagging, comments, live chat, live streaming). Audience viewing habits have also changed and their demands for engaging social media and interactive features often drive the delivery model. Many online video publishers use different strategies, tools, and services to syndicate multimedia feeds. Learn from some of the people that are changing the way traditional media is being syndicated within their businesses.
Larry Kless, Founder, President,
Mark Rotblat, VP of Sales and Marketing, TubeMogul
Paul Kontonis, CEO, Co-Founder, For Your Imagination
Saidah Nash, VP, Digital Media, Thomson Reuters
Here’s another short Flip video I shot that captured a few moments from my view at the podium and some audience Q&A after the session.
The real key is how do you syndicate video broadly and monetize it? You can’t really get players to carry messages, you have to bake it in. Mark said that the benefits of syndication are important for some of the following reasons:
- Getting content closer to audience, where they want to watch it here audience resides, not driving it to your site, channels, engaging with audience (comments, outreach, audience) need to do that
- Audience building
- SEO (syndicating on multiple sites increases search ranking)
- Less reliance on one publishing platform (different people prefer different sites, different editorial processes)
As online video viewing increases the playing field levels to where independent content producers can reach and exceed the numbers of the major networks and studios and compete for advertising dollars. We’re in some exciting times and it will be interesting to see the online video ecosystem or what Will Richmond calls “The Syndicated Video Economy” continue to evolve.