This post covers the basic tips for shooting video interviews. There are a few golden rules to follow to achieve good results and better looking and sounding video. The specific areas you should focus on are: Camera placement and movement, Lighting and Audio. Also, knowing your location and having plenty of time to reduce distractions is particularly important, to advert any audio and video issues. It’s better to get it right when you shoot your interview, to save yourself from “fixing it in post”. The following presentation serves as a tutorial to help you get started.
Camera placement and movement
- Use a tripod
- Avoid zooming and panning of camera
- Get physically close to your subject
- Place your camera at eye level of your subject
- Frame your interview to give your speaker with enough head room
- Select a neutral background for your interview
- Make sure you have enough light for a good quality picture
- Do not place your subject in front of a window (avoid backlight)
- Close curtains, blinds and turn on room lights
- Don’t mix daylight and indoor lighting
- Avoid distracting background noise (HVAC, TVs, music)
- Stay close to your interview subject
- Use an external microphone when possible (clip on lavaliere microphones)
- Use headphones to monitor microphone if possible
Interview techniques
- Be a quiet, active listener (be empathic, nod, don’t talk, no “uh huh”)
- Allow subject to complete answers before speaking (no crosstalk)
- Ask interviewee to phrase your question in their answer (for context)
Know Your Location
- Do a site survey (Look for and reduce lighting and ambient sound issues in advance)
- Reduce distractions
- Make sure you have directions
- Lots of time (for retakes)
- Sweat the small stuff
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