This is another video tutorial by Jan Ozer from the Streaming Learning Center. It’s a 10-minutes overview which he says, “details how to configure the most important H.264
encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames),
discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and identifies which
tools produce the best quality. It’s the entry level information that I
provide in most H.264 encoding lectures and useful to anyone producing
H.264 videos with tools like Sorenson Squeeze, Adobe Media Encoder,
Apple Compressor and Telestream Episode Pro.” See the original post here.
Jan also has a great list of H.264-related reference in his post, So You Want to Get to Know H.264?
Understanding the Key H.264 Encoding Parameters from jan ozer on Vimeo.
This tutorial details how to configure the most important H.264 encoding parameters (profiles, levels, entropy encoding and b-frames), discusses why H.264 encoding quality varies by encoding tool and which tools produce the best quality.
thanks for the info. Now I know more about H.264.
I hope HTML 5 really catches on, I’m sick of Flash.
At the Online Video Platform Summit last month, Ken E Kaplan spoke on the panel session, Best Practices Round Table – Online Video Publishing Strategies and Tools, about strategies for using of video as a communication vehicle. Ken spoke with Beet.TV about how he’s been helping Intel evolve its use of video. Ken Kaplan is a broadcast and social media strategist and producer in Intel’s Global Communications Group. He helps the consumer and social media team tell stories and connect with online media by producing videos, photos and other online communication. Much of his work can be seen on the Intel Pressroom, Channel intel on the YouTube channel and Intel blogs such as Technology@Intel and Inside Scoop.
Intel is using video for all types of internal and external communications on a global scale. Ken says we’re passed the storming and exploring phase into informing and understanding phase with corporate video and social media. Common corporate uses for video, such as interviews and product demos, have evolved with video blogs, multimedia content sharing and other conversation tools.
The video compliments the application specific videos available on, which detail how to configure options like CABAC and b-frames in different encoding tools, but don’t discuss why. This tutorial details the pros and cons of each configuration option, and tells you when and why to use it.
Adobe significantly enhanced the Flash Video Encoder in Creative Suite 4. There is now both stand-alone operation and batch encoding capabilities. As before, you can access H.264 encoding by choosing different formats in the Format pop-up menu. When producing for Flash Player, you should always use the FLV|F4V option, which lets you produce both VP6- and H.264-encoded files for Flash Player distribution.
the Flash Video Encoder in Creative Suite 4. There is now both stand-alone operation and batch encoding capabilities. As before, you can access H.264 encoding by choosing different formats in the Format pop-up menu. When producing for Flash Player, you should always use the FLV|F4V option, which lets you produce both VP6- and H.264-encoded files for Flash Player distribution.
What about framerate setting ?
I’m still confused when I need to set its value. Do I have to pick the same value than source ? Is it so critical for computer playback ?
Thank you.
This document provides a basic introduction, to all levels of reader, to H.264 Video, officially known as ISO/IEC 14496-10, in the context of the IndigoVision 9000 series. The document will introduce some of the basic concepts of H.264 video and show how they relate to the IndigoVision 9000 products. Some of the H.264 coding techniques will also be briefly discussed.
But – its absolutely brutal on the quality and it’s not a restriction that your h264 encode has been subjected to.
the creator of this video has very information master in his field.